We invite flags and symbols that represent antiracist, indigenous, anticolonial, queer*trans*feminist, anti-ableist and/or workers’ struggles and resistance. Military and police uniforms are not welcome.
👍 🇵🇸 🇨🇴 🏳️⚧ 🏳️🌈 🇪🇭 🔵☸🟢 ❤️☀️💚 🖤☀️❤️
We invite flags and symbols that represent antiracist, indigenous, anticolonial, queer*trans*feminist, anti-ableist and/or workers’ struggles and resistance. Military and police uniforms are not welcome.
👍 🇵🇸 🇨🇴 🏳️⚧ 🏳️🌈 🇪🇭 🔵☸🟢 ❤️☀️💚 🖤☀️❤️
Please respect the privacy of everyone attending the demo. Take photos from the back, and don’t include people’s faces or any identifiable features.
If you want to photograph someone’s face, or another identifying feature, ask first! Only take the photo if you have their explicit consent.
Official pride photographers will be wearing vests showing they are part of the demo team. Let them know if you don’t want to be filmed or photographed.
Demo livestream event
Our revolution WILL be televised!
We will have a full livestream for the entire duration of the demo, that can be watched worldwide for those who can’t join us on the streets, featuring:
speeches and performances
interviews with people in the demo
solidarity statements from around the world
To safeguard the privacy of all participants we will not film the crowd, we will only film people who consent to appear on camera. Our filming crews will be indentifiable and wearing high-visibility vests – please approach them if you have any privacy concerns!
It is a priority for us to ensure that our pride march is a safer space for our community. In this spirit, we do not welcome people with exclusionary, racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, nationalist or right-wing views, placards, or statements.
Transphobia and any kind of anti-trans hostility has no place in queer liberation or in feminism. Trans Exclusionary Radical “Feminists” are not welcome at our march.
There is no liberation for any of us without Palestinian liberation. The so-called anti-Deutsch are not welcome at this event.
We stand for decriminalization of sex work and oppose politics that stigmatize and vulnerate sex workers safety and rights. Groups who are against sex workers’ rights are not welcome at the march.
The queer liberation march will have a dedicated and clearly visible “awareness team”, to ensure as much as possible the safety of our attendees. We are not able to guarantee the safety of participants, but we will do all in our power to ensure that our community feel safe, protected and empowered on this day of protest and pride.
To our security team, the speakers, banner painters, sound engineers, performers, drivers, awareness team, ordner*innen, legal support, postering team, the livestream crew on the streets and in the studio, and to our comrades around the world who sent video statements, to the marchers and chanters and people who joined us online, to everyone who made this collective dream become reality: Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We are profoundly touched by all your love, support, kindness, and energy – and we are in love with the power of our beautiful Pride!
Did you miss one of the speeches? Couldn’t be there? Just want to relive this glorious day and see the powerful solidarity statements we received from around the world? Tune in to the recording of our livestream at twitch.tv/QuARC_Berlin.
If you have photos or video of anyone being arrested or attacked by police at our pride, please send it to iqpb@riseup.net.
The struggle is not over!
Follow on social media and check iqpberlin.org for info about future demos and events.